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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Episode #68 : Planet of the Daleks

"Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know.
It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway."
Episode 68:    Planet of the Dalek.
Companions:  3rd Doctor and Jo Grant.
Air Date:        Six episodes. 7th April to 12th May1973.
Immediately after the events of Frontier in Space: the Third Doctor has been shot and gravely wounded by the Master. Jo helps him into the TARDIS, where he uses the telepathic circuits to send a message to the Time Lords before he collapses.
The Time Lords guide the TARDIS to the planet Spiridon where the Daleks have prepared an army ten thousand strong with which to conquer the Human and Draconian empires. A band of Thaals have also arrived to destroy the Daleks before they can release that army. The Daleks have also come to this world to take the natural invisibility of the native Spiridons.
It is interesting that since we last saw the Thaals on Skaro they seem to have achieved some advanced technology and even space flight. Have they fled Skaro to a new home world or have they somehow survived alongside the Daleks? This question is never answered.
At points in the story it feels very reminiscent of the original Dalek story. It definitively shares certain similarities with that story. Maybe that was the point since it was a very good introductory story for the Daleks.
As much as the previous story was quite bad, Planet of the Daleks makes up for it by being a very entertaining and enjoyable story. The plot works very well and there are some great moments of dialogue between the Doctor and the Thaals. If I have any grumbles with Planet of the Daleks it is simply that it could have been better handled as a follow up to Frontier in Space.

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