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Wednesday 27 November 2013

Episode #86 : The Masque of Mandragora

"Had it not been you, there would have been other travellers drawn into Mandragora's Helix. Earth had to be possessed and checked. Man's curiosity might lead him away from this planet until, ultimately, the galaxy itself might not contain him. We of Mandragora will not allow a rival power within our domain."

Episode 86:   The Masque of Mandragora.
Companions: 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith.
Air Date:       Four episodes. 4th to 25th September 1976.

An encounter with the living energy structure known as the Mandragora Helix leads the TARDIS to 15th century Italy. Between palace intrigue, the machinations of a sinister cult and a rogue fragment of Helix energy, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah have their hands full. There is not much time, for when Mandragora swallows The Moon, it will be time to strike.

There hasn't been a historical story for some time and this time we return to 15th century Italy though the Doctor hasn't come alone. He has been followed by part of the Madragora Helix, a sentient energy storm in space, and for reasons largely unknown it fears mankind's advancement and seeks to stop us in the past. It is nice to have an historical story again, even if only partly.

Unfortunately this story is another let down. The elements with the Mandragora energy don't make much sense when you stop to think about it and the story is once again dragged out over four episodes, making it too long. I found myself rather distracted about half way through because nothing was really happening. When the end comes, it just ends. No real explanation for how it was defeated. Very odd.

This story is the first to explain that it is a "Time Lord gift" (later the TARDIS) that allows everyone, companion and others alike, to understand one another even though they may not speak the same language.

The Masque of Mandragora is a fairly bland story. You can see that it is trying to capitalise on the recent horror approach to stories but it falls very short this time.

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