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Thursday, 28 April 2022

Episode #273 - The Husbands of River Song

River: When you love the Doctor, it's like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back. And if I happen to find myself in danger, let me tell you, the Doctor is not stupid enough, or sentimental enough, and he is certainly not in love enough to find himself standing in it with me! 

The Doctor: Hello, sweetie.

Episode #272:      The Husbands of River Song.

Companions:        The 12th Doctor.

Air Date:             25th December 2015

The Twelfth Doctor is on the planet Mendorax Dellora in 5343, where he is asked by a man named Nardole to follow him, thinking he is a surgeon, on the orders of River Song. A surgeon is required to remove a diamond from the head of the tyrannical King Hydroflax. It became lodged there due to a ruthless act of thievery gone wrong, and River seeks to recover it. Surprised that River cannot identify his newest face, the Doctor struggles to break the news to her while learning how she acts on her own - and how many other lovers she has had. However, both he and River soon find that the time is drawing close for the last page in the diary of their journeys together to be written.

The Husbands of River Song is another hodge-podge Christmas special that does little but emphasise that it's Christmas here in the real world. It's another episode that jumps from place to place with no real story behind it. But it doesn't matter. With this episode we are here to see the final visit from the Doctor's wife River Song. It's an episode with a lot of humour, silliness and once we get to the end, a hint of romance. 

As Christmas episodes go, this isn't too bad. The real Christmas trappings only appear right near the beginning and hinted at towards the end. Otherwise it's more or less a modern Who story with a heavily humorous plot line. I am not even going to dwell on the story as it doesn't go anywhere. The Husbands of River Song basically wraps up the end of the 9th season of the show. The Doctor has had his moment of mania and now is calming down again. Realising that there are things and people in the universe other than Clara.

We do however have the introduction of a new companion of sorts in the bizarre little character of Nardole, played by Matt Lucas. He only has a "small" part in the story really but he will go on to be appear in the following season with an important role. 

Episode #272 - Hell Bent


"First thing you notice about the Doctor of War is he's unarmed. For many, it's also the last."

Episode #272:      Hell Bent.

Companions:        The 12th Doctor and Clara Oswald.

Air Date:             5th December 2015

After being tortured for billions of years inside his own confession dial, the Doctor has been pushed to the brink of madness. Returning to Gallifrey, he must face his own people, the Time Lords, but how far will he go in his quest for vengeance? Does he have another confession? And how fiercely does his rage towards them for causing Clara's death burn?

After the disappointing episode that preceded it, Hell Bent picks up the pace and the story quite nicely. After escaping from the confession dial he finds himself back on Gallifrey, now hidden at the far end of time. He comes into conflict with Rassilon (who seems to have gone more mad since we last saw him) and sort of takes over. It's all a ploy to snatch Clara at the moment of her death and keep her alive though, an event that causes more problems for the Doctor. Ultimately he escapes, meets up with Ashildr (Me), has a heart to heart with her, before believing that he had mind wiped her and they go their own ways. The Doctor once again on his own and Clara travelling, for now, with Ashildur. 

It's a good story with some well written dialogue and just the right amount of tension between the various characters. There are some nice throw backs to things like the Matrix and we get a bit more lore expansion. Little things that expand on the show. If I have any issue with this episode it is that it is somewhat disjointed for such an otherwise good story. We start off with the Doctor's return to Gallifrey and his meeting with Rassilon. He boots Rassilon off and then the story changes to the mythology of the Hybrid (which has been hinted at here and there). It then becomes an escape story and then falls into the explanation with Ashildr... and it doesn't flow very well. Almost like the ending was rushed. It's not a bad episode though which makes it feel odd. I just wish that somehow it had resolved itself as it leaves a lot of things left essentially unanswered.