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Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Episode #110 : Meglos

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order."

Episode 110:     Meglos.
Companions:     4th Doctor, K9 and Romana.
Air Date:            27th September to 18th October.

On Tigella, two factions are irrevocably divided over a fundamental issue: the Dodecahedron, a mysterious object which provides the entire planet's energy. The Savants and the Deons are locked in a crippling stalemate. Their civilisation is on the brink of collapse. The Tigellan leader, Zastor, seeks the Fourth Doctor's help. The Doctor and Romana have been trapped aboard the TARDIS in a time loop by Meglos, the last of the Zolfa-Thurans. He will stop at nothing to steal back the awesome power of the Dodecahedron.

Meglos is a fairly typical story for this era. Another story that isn't exceptional nor is it poorly done. The pacing is just right as well. The writing reasonable but could have been better. It's another story where if you just sit down and watch it without expectations you'll find it enjoyable.

The villain of the title, Meglos, is a rather off choice. His natural form is that of a giant talking cactus planet. As he absorbs power form a captured human accountant (an odd choice really) he gains the ability to shape change though he his focus fails he develops the cactus spines over his new form. It just seems like a very odd choice for a villain, being an intelligent cactus.

Meglos uses a band of space mercenaries to enact his teft of the Dodecahedron and more useless bunch you would be hard pressed to find. They are portrayed in such a way as to be utterly pointless (maybe one reason why they were chosen by Meglos) and incompetent.

This episode sees the return of Jacqueline Hill to the show, in the role of Lexa, high priestess of the Savants. We last saw her as Barbara Wright, companion to the 1st Doctor. It's nice to see the old actors getting a reappearance.

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