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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

TW #2 : Day One

Tosh: My god, he just...
Jack: [deadpan] Came and went.

Episode 2:     Day One.
Companions: Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper and Ianto Jones.
Air Date:       22nd October 2006.
Gwen's first day on her new job at Torchwood sees Cardiff's night-life at the mercy of a gaseous alien who consumes its victims during orgasm, leaving behind only dust. And it's all her fault — she let it escape a fallen meteorite. The gas is devouring its teenage host. She's fighting for control as the alien inside takes down victim after victim. Torchwood tracks the alien to a sperm bank, but too late for the patrons within. Soon, if they don't act quickly enough, it'll be too late for everyone else too!

The second Torchwood episode continues the mature content theme with a story about an alien life form that feeds on the sexual energy produced during sex. Though almost graphic in places everything is done with a tongue-in-cheek approach that keeps it tasteful.

What makes the episode for me is the connection that the characters have together. Everything Changes felt a little forced at times but Day One shows a good sense of humour and camaraderie between them. It's a fun story at the end of the day especially for a one off story.

Addition: Adding this in now as I've only just noticed that I missed it out. In this story we learn that Jack Harkness has the severed hand of the Doctor from The Christmas Invasion. It's in a stasis container of sorts. A nice tie in to Doctor Who and something that becomes important further down the road.


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