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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

TW #9 : Random Shoes

"The speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second. Pain travels through the body at 350 feet per second. Even a sneeze can reach a hundred miles per hour. And as for life? Well... that just bloody whizzes by."

Episode 9:     Random Shoes.
Companions: Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper and Ianto Jones.
Air Date:       10th December 2006.

A hit-and-run victim, obsessed with alien life, realises only one person can solve the mystery of his death: Gwen Cooper.

Random Shoes is the unfortunate Torchwood equivalent of Love & Monsters. It just blatantly doesn't fit in at all and has such a weak premise. The episode revolves around the "ghost" of one Eugene Jones who is killed in a car accident and now follows around Gwen while she investigates his death. It is played out as a series of flashbacks with narration from Eugene. The story barely features the rest of the Torchwood team other than Gwen. Ultimately it is revealed to be an alien artifact that Eugene swallowed that has kept his spirit around. At the end he materialises briefly to save Gwen before vanishing into the light.

Much like the previous story it hints at something beyond death which is generally against what we know from the rest of Doctor Who. While that in itself doesn't bug me so much it is just the way the whole story is handled when I am sure the writers could have found something more interesting to design an episode around. I recommend avoiding this one completely.

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