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Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Episode #182 : Smith and Jones

"I'm talking to an alien? In hospital?! What, has this place got an E.T. department?"

Episode #182:   Smith and Jones.
Companions:     The 10th Doctor and Martha Jones.
Air Date:           31st March 2007.

Just when it seemed it would be yet another chaotic day managing her family's disputes, Martha Jones finds trouble waiting for her at work. Trapped on the Moon with space rhinos looking for a criminal and the air running out, she will have to come to trust a seemingly mad stranger calling himself "the Doctor". But can the Tenth Doctor save the day this time?

The new season of Doctor Who starts with a nice story about an abducted hospital and an alien search for a missing murderer. It sees the introduction of Martha Jones as the new companion, her dysfunctional family and the first appearance of the Judoon.

The episode deals with the translation of a London hospital to the moon where the "police for hire" Judoon can legally search it for a missing plasmavore responsible for the murder of the Child Princess of Padrivole Regency Nine. Because they have no legal right to search on Earth they move the hospital so that it isn't under legal protection. The problem is that both the plasmavore and the Doctor are both aliens in a hospital full of humans.

Smith and Jones is a clever story and despite looking somewhat silly, the Judoon are a nice new addition that wouldn't have been out of place in the classic era of the show. What lets this one down for me is a certain scene where the Doctor hops around whilst somehow transferring radiation into his foot and then his trainer before throwing it in the bin. Whoever though up that scene needs a slap. It's another element of silliness that fails to work and for me spoils the entire episode really.

I like Martha in this one. She is a good strong female role and at least for now isn't in love with the Doctor. She is along for the ride because it is exciting and takes her away from the hassles she has back home with work and family. If only we had more companions like this. Unfortunately over time she does get written with some small infatuation with the Doctor but for now it is a breath of fresh air to just have a self sustained companion.

In the last couple episodes of Torchwood there are signs showing "Vote Saxon" which also appear here. This would be the plot for the season that won't play out until near the end.

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