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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

TW #22: Something Borrowed

Jack: What is it with you? Ever since Owen died, all you've done is agree with him!
Ianto: I was brought up not to speak ill of the dead. Even if they do still do most of their talking for themselves.

Episode 22:      Something Borrowed.
Companions:    Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, and Ianto Jones.
Air Date:          5th March 2008.

Gwen Cooper is about to get married to her fiance, Rhys. Only one problem: on her hen night she is bitten by an alien and awakes on her wedding day heavily pregnant with a alien shape-shifter's baby. The alien mother is on the loose and searching for it's offspring. The only way for the alien to get the egg is to rip open the carrier... Gwen.

Something Borrowed is a bit of a silly episode. It focuses on Gwen's wedding to Rhys and the almost carry on style hunt for the shape-shifting alien that is hunting her to rip out the alien child inside her. When the giant gun comes out any sense of realism goes right out of the window. It is a comedy of errors really and just fails abysmally. 

Other than the story the effects are just terrible as though the production budget ran out of money for decent effects. Especially Rhys' mother as an alien which just looks like a poor attempt at turning Nerys Hughes (who we saw in Snakedance) into an alien goth. The same can said of the impersonated Jack Harkness.

The only good thing going for this episode is the sense of continuity with us getting to see more of the life of the crew, in this case the wedding of Gwen and Rhys. Even the slow dance between Jack and Ianto is nice and sweet. But it isn't enough to save the episode. If the episode had meant to be played for laughs it may have worked. Very disappointing.

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