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Monday, 1 June 2015

SJA #8 : The Day of the Clown

"I'm going to offer you a choice, Rani. Cross over the road, go back to your parents and the life you lived before you moved here, and nothing will have changed. Or you can come with me. If you do that – nothing will ever be the same again."

Episode #8:         The Day of the Clown.
Companions:       Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith, Rani Chandra, Clyde Langer, amd Mr Smith.
Air Date:             6th to 13th October 2008.

Rani Chandra is the new girl on Bannerman Road. She is haunted by a sinister clown. Does it have anything to do with local children who have gone missing? When Clyde's friend Dave disappears, the trail leads to a strange circus museum and the legend of the Pied Piper.

When I started watching this episode I didn't think I was going to be impressed. The Sarah Jane Adventures does have a habit of doing the weird child-friendly type episodes that I just find a bit too odd and well, childish. It is a show for Children though so I can usually forgive it. The Day of the Clown actually grabbed my attention a lot more than I expected it to. Clowns are usually a dead give away for a science fiction story to be a bit too weird for me, but I rather enjoyed this one. Takes a while to get going but once it does you are rooted to your seat.

The episode seems to be based on the exploration of fear and what it can do if you let it control you too much. In this case, fear is personified by a malevolent alien entity that feeds upon fear. Personally I've never found clowns to be frightening but I understand that to many they are perhaps the very personification of that emotion. I was also surprised to realize, as I prepped to do this review that the role of the evil clown was played by comedian and game show host Bradly Walsh. I didn't recognise him at all under the make up.

We are also introduced to a new character on Bannerman road, Rani Chandra, who is the replacement for Maria Jackson. Maria was a bit of a wishy-washy character for me but already I like Chandra a lot. She's much more of a braver character running off to investigate things. I like that. Her father however, the new school headmaster, at least from this episode seems to be a nasty piece of work and I immediately disliked him. Hopefully he'll calm down to be a nice character and we won't have too much of the family trend in the show.

A good episode and worth a watch.

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