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Monday, 22 May 2017

Episode #241 : The Rings of Akhaten

"I walked away from the Last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe, and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time, no space – just me. I've walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman! I've watched universes freeze and creations burn! I have seen things you wouldn't believe! I have lost things you will never understand! And I know things. Secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken, knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze! SO, COME ON, THEN! TAKE IT! TAKE IT ALL, BABY! HAVE IT! YOU HAVE IT ALL!!"

Episode #241:      The Rings of Akhaten.
Companions:        The 11th Doctor and Clara Oswald.
Air Date:               6th April 2013.

Clara Oswald wants to see something awesome, so the Eleventh Doctor whisks her off to the inhabited rings of the planet Akhaten, where the Festival of Offerings is in full swing. Clara meets the young Queen of Years as the pilgrims and natives ready for the ceremony. But something is stirring in the pyramid, and a sacrifice will be demanded.

I really enjoy this episode. On so many levels this is almost perfect. What grabs me the most is that this is a story about Clara's first proper journey through time and space with the Doctor, and she gets to experience all these alien races and strange environments with a real sense of wonder. That is some thing that I feel we don't get enough of from new companions in the show. We also have a nice big monolithic villain for the story that can't really be defeated in the conventional way and the Doctor has to take that life and death risk in order to do so. In doing so Clara sees the real side of her new mentor - someone who while somewhat silly and strange is more than willing to lay his life on the line to save others. Plus the episode has some just awesome dialogue, the sort that still gives those goosebumps when you hear the Doctor doing his rant.

If that is the case why don't I give this a full five star rating? it is simply the case that this is the first real trip out for Clara and thus this episode is really the character introduction story. Certainly more so than the previous one. When you've seen one companion introduction story you have pretty much seen them all. It has nothing new in that regard.

This story does also continue the Doctor's fascination with his new "impossible girl" and we see him continue his search for answers by following the time line of Clara's parents. A random event brings them together and we see them have a child, raise her and then the unfortunate but not explained death of her mother. The date of her death does coincide with the Auton attack from the episode Rose but there is nothing to actually say that she died during that incursion. We are following the Doctor's journey of discovery as he tries to work out who she is.

The Rings of Akhaten is one of those stories that is self contained but I'd recommend to anyone wanting a good episode to watch and possibly guide someone into the show. It may not have the big action sequences but it does carry itself well and has some just awesome dialogue moments.

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