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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Episode #176 : The Idiot's Lantern

"They took her face and just chucked her out in the street. As a consequence that makes this simple...very, very simple. Because now, Detective Inspector Bishop, there is no power on this earth that can stop me! Come on!"

Episode 176:   The Idiot's Lantern.
Companions:   10th Doctor and Rose Tyler.
Air Date:         27th May 2006.

It is 1953, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II — but there is something hiding in the televisions of the British people. Something hungry...

While attempting to take Rose to see Elvis Presley play on the Ed Sullivan in 1956, the Doctor comes to London on the day of the Queen's coronation. Strange events lead them into an adventure against a disembodied entity within the television signal that feeds on mental energy leaving the victims alive but without a face.

The Idiot's Lantern is a nice little story with a touch of horror and just the right amount of humour. it is evident that part of the idea for this story is the old wife's tale that you shouldn't watch too much television. "Getting square eyes" it was called in my house when I was a kid.

Recently there have been a lot of stories where Rose gets the centre stage and I feel the Doctor is dropped back into the sides as the guide and final arbiter of the resolution. Not long into this story Rose has her face stolen and the Doctor becomes the driving force which is far more preferable I think. With this story I think David Tennant has finally settled into the role and has become the persona that we fans have come to love.

The villainous entity called The Wire (surely not it's original name?) is portrayed by the well known British comedienne Maureen Lipman, in the style of a 1950's BBC female announcer. Nicely done.

The Idiot's Lantern is a fun story while watching it. Afterwards however, I always find that I wish there was something more to it to beef it up.

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