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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Episode #178 : Love & Monsters

Rose: [angrily] You upset my mum!
Elton: [glances at the Abzorbaloff] Great big absorbing creature from outer space, and you're having a go at me?
Rose: No one upsets my mum.

Episode 178:    Love & Monsters.
Companions:   10th Doctor and Rose Tyler.
Air Date:          17th June 2006.

This is the first and I hope only Doctor Who story to get a 0 rating from me. Love & Monsters is so bad that really I should give it a negative rating. Whoever came up with this idea, wrote it and green lit it should be banned from making television programs ever again. Rant over.

Love & Monsters is a story that has pretty much nothing to do with the Doctor at all. He and Rose only appear for a few minutes throughout the entire episode. Instead it is seen from the point of view of one Elton Pope as he and some friends from LINDA (London Investigation 'n' Detective Agency) try to investigate the Doctor and eventually form a social club. When the mysterious Victor Kennedy turns up pretending to be hunting the Doctor too, things start going wrong. Victor is an alien from Clom, the twin planet of Raxacoricofallaptorius, an Absorbaloff who absorbs living beings and feeds on their mental energy.

What makes this so bad? Well, it starts off with the Doctor and Rose running around in Benny Hill/Scooby Doo fashion backwards and forwards from a Hoix. Just silly. Secondly, Victor Kennedy is played by comedian Peter Kay and he is just so not right for the part. In his true alien form he even looks stupid not to mention the faces of absorbed people still talking and thinking scattered across his body. At the end, the Doctor rescues Elton's love interest from the remains of the Absorbaloff but she is forced to be a face stuck in a slab of concrete.

The Absorbaloff was created as part of a competition on children's program Blue Peter. Children can often come up with some great ideas but this one just doesn't pan out at all.

Avoid this episode like the plague and move on.

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