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Saturday, 3 October 2015

Episode #214 : Vampires of Venice

"Tell me the whole plan! ... One day that'll work...  Listen, I would love to stay here. This whole thing... I'm thrilled! Oh, this is Christmas!"

Episode #214:      Vampires of Venice.
Companions:        The 11th Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams.
Air Date:              8th May 2010.

The Eleventh Doctor takes Amy and Rory, soon to be married, on a romantic trip to Venice, 1580 to make Amy focus on her relationship with her fiancé. However, things there aren't quite what they seem. Warnings of the plague are spreading about despite having died out years before, and pale, creepy girls who don't like sunlight are lurking around. Could it have something to do with the school run by the mysterious Rosanna Calvierri?

Vampires of Venice is a story that feels very much like the classic stories of old. I could imagine Tom Baker running around Venice investigating and hunting these alien vampires. As it is this isn't a bad story for the 11th Doctor. It fits what I expect from modern Doctor Who in both style and appearance, although some elements are a bit silly.

Rory joins the TRADIS crew as the Doctor tried to curtail Amy's amorous advances. Rory is a sort of anti-companion as he doesn't take to time travel the same way as everyone else. He's very unadventurous and it is a nice character trait. In this story he raises some good points that aren't normally covered and that we ignore when watching.

"You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around."

That is a great quote and so very very true when you think about it. Companions always trust the Doctor and assume that he knows what he is doing and go that extra mile. We see it all the time and we just go along with it. A good example of script writing. We never saw anything like this in the old days and it is good to have an insight into our hero.

The vampires themselves are a little bit of a let down but only because with modern BBC special effects I feel they could have looked a lot better than just strange alien fish with big teeth. The premise behind them and their plans ties into the crack in the universe plot, complete with reference to "silence". I'd have preferred something closer to the Great Vampires myself but then the more classic references the better in my opinion.

Vampires of Venice is a fun story but it is the character interaction and Rory's reveal of who the Doctor is is what makes the episode.

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