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Monday, 28 September 2015

Episode #213 : The Time of the Angels / Flesh and Stone

"Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap. If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap."

Episode #213:      The Time of the Angels / Flesh and Stone.
Companions:        The 11th Doctor and Amy Pond.
Air Date:              14th April to 1st May 2010.

The enigmatic River Song hurtles back into the Eleventh Doctor's life, but she's not the only familiar face returning — the Weeping Angels are back! Following River's calling card, the Doctor is recruited to help track down the last of the Angels, which has escaped from the Byzantium starliner and into the terrifying Maze of the Dead.

The Weeping Angels and River Song return in a rather good story that continues the lore of the Angels. Most of the time the episodes that feature the Angels are rather naff but this one adds something to it. We learn a little more about them and what they are capable off. Blink barely touched the surface. As for River she is a very different person than when we last saw her. We are going backwards though as the Doctor and River do keep meeting in the wrong order.

This is also a major revelation episode where the crack in the universe is concerned. At the end of Victory of the Daleks the Doctor points out that Amy should remember the Dalek invasion that recently moved the Earth but she doesn't. In this adventure the Doctor realises that something is changing or rewriting history as, and I pointed this out a while back, no one remembers the giant Cyberking marching across Victorian London. Something is a foot and the Doctor is on the case.

The best bit about this adventure is that pretty much from the get go we have a suspense filled romp through an ancient maze and a crashed space ship. Most adventures are quite exciting but few are truly suspenseful. This is one of the few and it's worth it.

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