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Monday, 28 September 2015

Episode #212 : Victory of the Daleks

"YOU! ARE! MY! ENEMY! And I am yours! You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation. I've defeated you. Time and time again, I've defeated you. I sent you back into the Void. I saved the whole of reality from you. I AM THE DOCTOR AND YOU ARE THE DALEKS!"

Episode #212:      Victory of the Daleks.
Companions:        The 11th Doctor and Amy Pond.
Air Date:              17th April 2010.

Receiving a call for help from his old friend Winston Churchill, the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond head for World War II to assist the Prime Minister. Once there, though, the Doctor reunites with his greatest enemies, the scum of the universe — the Daleks. But why are these survivors passing themselves off as man-made weapons? And why don't they recognise the Doctor? What could these "Ironsides" have planned?

Victory of the Daleks is a pseudo-historical story with a science fiction twist. It doesn't use the second world war to teach like the old historical adventures but more as just a setting, in which to tell this story. Into it we find the Daleks working for the British armed forces to take down incoming German aircraft. The Doctor recognises them for what they are this triggers the actual story, that the Daleks are seeking to rebuild their forces and their creation needs proof that they are pure Daleks. The name of the episode is very apt as in this story the evil Daleks do indeed win. Yay!

Despite some rather witty dialogue this episode unfortunately is really just another filler. The entire point of this episode is simply to set up the return of the Daleks later on. I really hate it when shows do that as it feels like a waste of an episode. I like plot stories but I like them to be mostly self contained and workable.

I hate to be negative yet again, but there is one thing in this adventure which really irks me. The Daleks' plans are slightly defeated by space flying Spitfire aircraft. It just bugs me as once again we have an element of silly. It's meant to be a good sci-fi story and then they through that in there.

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