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Monday, 14 September 2015

SJA #13 : Prisoner of the Judoon

"The Judoon's only interest is in stopping that creature getting away. Humans don't matter. Under the Articles of the Shadow Proclamation we barely exist. Too primitive."

Episode #13:        Prisoner of the Judoon.
Companions:        Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith, Rani Chandra and Clyde Langer.
Air Date:              15th to 16th October 2009.

Sarah Jane and the gang face the most dangerous day of their lives as the rhino-like Judoon return. When prisoner Androvax the Annihilator crash-lands on Earth, the Veil is set free to turn Earth's technology against itself. His next intended victim is Sarah Jane. As the Judoon fleet approaches Earth, it's a race against time to stop Androvax. With Genetec Systems' technology on the rampage and Rani's parents taken prisoner, can anything stop the Army of the Infinitesimal?

The third season the Sarah Jane Adventures opens with a rather good story. The writers have come up with a quite a good idea in Prisoner of the Judoon which works on a number of levels. Children will enjoy the adventure but teens and adults will pick up on a deeper story surrounding the reasons for the villains actions.

As you can guess from the title we see the return of the Judoon, last seen in The Stolen Earth. Another proper Doctor Who is nice to see. There are also references to the upcoming animated episode Dreamland, where we learn the true account of the Roswell UFO crash. I'm going to be interested to see if it links up correctly.

The episode deals primarily with the plot involving the Judoon but also has Androvax' attempt to destroy the Earth via nanites (microscopic machines). Even with this the episode also features a heavy humorous element which detracts a little from the adventure. The Judoon, never the brightest creatures as far as we could see, appear even more dumber than normal in this episode and the writers cover it up with uncharacteristic humour.

A good start to the season but we'll see if it holds.

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