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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Episode #210 : The Eleventh Hour

"I'm the Doctor; I'm worse than everybody's aunt!"

Episode #210:      The Eleventh Hour.
Companions:        The 11th Doctor and Amy Pond.
Air Date:              3rd April 2010.

After a literally explosive regeneration, the brand new Eleventh Doctor survives a crash-landing to Earth. However, he has little time to recover. With a mysterious crack in a little girl's wall and a missing alien prisoner, the Doctor is in for an adventure. However, with the TARDIS damaged and the sonic screwdriver destroyed, can the Doctor capture the rogue alien before its jailers burn Earth to a crisp?

It's all change as Matt Smith takes over the role of the Doctor. There's more humour and a rather strange surreal tone to the show now. In later episodes the show feels less science fiction and more science fairy-tale. But it is certainly in keeping with the new Doctor. When Matt Smith was first announced as the Doctor I was not convinced. He looked too young to be the Doctor and I doubted that he would have the force of personality. Within minutes of his appearance I was convinced that he was the right choice. Of the newer actors, Matt Smith has become my favourite.

The Eleventh Hour is a great start to the new series. The Doctor's new persona is just fun and immediately you like him. He is a proper eccentric personality again and much more in the style of the classic Doctors. We are also introduced to the newest companion, Amy Pond. She is another feisty female companion and one who stands up to the Doctor. She's not a screamer. We also meet her boyfriend Rory, a bit of a wet fish really but he'll have a part to play later on.

The main point of this story is not the escaped Prisoner Zero or the alien Atraxi. At the start young Amy Pond shows the Doctor a strange crack in her wall which is revealed to be a crack in the fabric of the universe. This is the main plot point for the season and for the run of the 11th Doctor.

For an episode that is there just to set up the new Doctor and his companions, this is a really good fun story. The humour is actually just right and while I sometimes grumble at the fairy tale nature of some of the future stories, this one gets a good thumbs up from me.

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