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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Episode #130 : Warriors of the Deep

"What is it about Earth people that makes them think a futile gesture is a noble one?"

Episode 130:    Warriors of the Deep.
Companions:    5th Doctor, Tegan and Turlough.
Air Date:          5th to 13th January 1984.

The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough arrive at an underwater Sea Base on Earth, where a scientific and military team led by Commander Vorshak are monitoring a rival power bloc. The team undergo regular missile launch test sequences to ensure that they are ready at all times to combat an attack. Three Silurians revive a colony of Sea Devil warriors in order to invade the base and use its weapons to attack the opposing power bloc, thus provoking a global war that will allow the reptiles to conquer the Earth.

Warriors of the Deep is an excellent story let down only by poor production values. The Silurian and Sea Devil costumes are well done but the human costumes, the pantomime horse-like Myrka (which isn't too bad really) and the bland white plastic set dressing let it down in that regards. Some of the acting from the extras isn't great either but so long as you can ignore that and just enjoy the adventure you don't notice.

While talking to the Silurians, the Doctor makes mention of the events from his encounter with them in his third incarnation. He also makes mention of other events that while probably just script errors, hint that somewhere there is an unscreened adventure for the 3rd or 4th Doctor with the Silurians.

It is an unusual story because at the climax, the only survivors are the Doctor and his companions. Everyone else, including the invading Silurians and Sea Devils are all killed.

Warriors of the Deep is an entertaining story providing you ignore the production issues, but even then, there is nothing to really dislike in this one.

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