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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Episode #144 : Mindwarp

"Today, prudence shall be our watchword. Tomorrow, I shall soak the land in blood!"

Episode 144:    Mindwarp.
Companions:    6th Doctor and Peri.
Air Date:          4th to 25th October 1986.

The Valeyard's prosecution continues as he presents damning evidence of the Doctor's interference on the planet Thoros Beta. Dangerous experiments are being carried out there that could affect the future of all life, and they must be stopped. But why is the Doctor so determined to help his former enemy - the greedy, opportunistic Sil? And why has he turned against his companion, Peri? One thing is certain: someone will die.

The Trial of a Time Lord story line continues with another case presented by the Valeyard to prove the Doctor's guilt. In this one the Doctor and Peri arrive on a strange almost psychedelic planet home to the Mentor's - Sil's people. Here they find a plot to transplant the mind of Sil's boss into another body, and the evil bio-experiments that led to this development. They team up with King Tyrcanos, played by Brian Blessed of all people, leader of a barbarian people to overthrow them. It seems that Peri is captured and used to as the vessel for the new Mentor's mind. Before the Doctor can rescue her, he is snatched from time by the Time Lords to take his trial.

Mindwarp is a pretty bad, not to mention dull story that doesn't really go anywhere. It is set up to end Peri's time on the show and bring the Doctor into the court. Sil isn't even presented as well as he was in his prior appearance. Likewise, the Doctor is presented as a rather evil individual though we later learn that this adventure has been tampered with to make him appear just so.

Whilst investigating Crozier's lab, the Doctor picks up and inspects a specimen jar that appears to contain a preserved Xenomorph embryo specimen (specifically a chestburster) from the Alien films.

Mindwarp is a poorly done story that spoils the whole Trial arc.

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