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Saturday, 11 January 2014

Episode #131 : The Awakening

Sir George: "You speak treason!"
The Doctor: "Fluently!"

Episode 131:    The Awakening.
Companions:   5th Doctor, Tegan and Turlough.
Air Date:         19th to 20th January 1984.

An alien war machine, the Malus, is affecting the inhabitants of the English country village of Little Hodcombe in 1984 so that a re-enactment of a Civil War battle turns into the real thing. The Malus's aim is to gather sufficient psychic energy to activate itself fully. The TARDIS travellers arrive to meet Tegan's grandfather - one of the villagers - but become involved in the machinations of Sir George Hutchinson, who is in thrall to the Malus. The battle in 1643 becomes linked through time to 1984 and Will Chandler, a youth from the earlier time, finds himself in the present day.

The Awakening is a nice story that expertly blends historical, horror and science fiction together very much in the style of the earlier story The Daemons. In fact it does feel as though this one was heavily influenced by that very story. Some of the elements such as a daemonic presence beneath a church, and the destruction of said church could easily have just been lifted from The Daemons.

You may be asking why if I like this one so much that I only rate it as average? If there is anything wrong with the story it comes down purely on it's length. Normally I wouldn't grumble but it feels as though so much was dropped into a two part story that there wasn't enough time for it all and the adventure feels too rushed. Had this one been a typical three or four part adventure, it may have been even better.

The other problem comes from the Mallus itself. The plot doesn't really explain what it is. It uses psychic energy to project manifestations but is described as being a computer or a machine operating as a scout force for an invading force that never came.

The Awakening is a good story and I recommend it.

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