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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Episode #193-A : Time Crash

"Hey, I'm the Doctor. I can save the universe using a kettle and some string. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable!"

Episode #193-A:       Time Crash.
Companions:            10th Doctor and 5th Doctor.
Air Date:                  16th November 2007.

After saying his goodbyes to Martha Jones at the end of Last of the Time Lords, the Tenth Doctor accidentally pilots his TARDIS into the path of... the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS! As the current Doctor muses over aspects of the Fifth, the Fifth Doctor becomes increasingly worried as their combined TARDISes threaten to rip a hole in space and time the size of Belgium! 

This was a short sketch shown during the November 2007 Children in Need night on the BBC. It fits in exactly between Last of the Time Lords and Voyage of the Damned. Time Crash was the first incidence in new Who where we had a crossover between the old and new shows, as well as being the first new multi-Doctor story. Largely played for laughs, Time Crash is however, considered canonical.

The interaction between the 5th and 10th Doctors is extremely clever with plenty of references thrown in such as LINDA (from Love and Monsters), as well as references back to the adventures of the 5th Doctor. This was Steven Moffat writing at some of his best. I always get a giggle out of it. There's a nice sense of nostalgia too once the 5th Doctor recognizes his older self. 

If you haven't seen it, here is the short clip. 

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