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Saturday, 8 November 2014

SJA #3: Eye of the Gorgon

"Sarah Jane was right, wasn’t she? I thought meetin’ creatures from other planets was gonna be excitin’ and cool, but she told me, she said it wasn’t anythin’ like that. In the end it just messes you up. Your whole life, and the people you love…. That’s why Sarah Jane’s always been on her own. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it, Bea? With no one in the world who really knows you or cares. This is how we all end up, isn’t it?"

Episode #3:       Eye of the Gorgon.
Companions:     Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith, Maria Jackson, Clyde Langer and Mr Smith.
Air Date:            1st to 8th October 2007.

A haunted nursing home leads Sarah Jane to a mysterious order of nuns with an ancient - and alien - secret.

Eye of the Gorgon is a story revolving around the existence of a secret order of women who protect, serve and host, a monstrous alien entity called in Earth lore as a Gorgon. In order to allow the Gorgon race to invade the Earth they need an alien talisman which has been hidden from them for three thousand years. When the team investigate supposed haunting of an old peoples home by a phantom nun they sent in motion events that could end the world.

If this was a Doctor Who episode it would fit nicely in during the early Tom Baker years when there was more of a horror element. Although written with children in mind this adventure has some nice creepy story elements. It may seem strange to say this, but it is nice to see horror featuring in children's television rather than the usual nicey nicey programming that normally appears. 

This time we see more of the interaction around the Jackson family, Maria's mother and father having split up before the start of the series but still irritating one another. You do need a family element, again, because of it being children's television but only two episodes in and I hate the pair of them. The family element doesn't add anything interesting except to play the secondary plot lines. At this time I haven't seen all the SJA episodes but already I am hoping that the family elements, which have been awkward in Doctor Who, drop to the wayside a little bit more.

Eye of the Gorgon is a nice episode but I'm hoping for better as the show goes along.

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