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Monday, 10 November 2014

SJA #4 : Warriors of Kudlak

"Oh, please don’t be offended, but this isn’t the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at me. And guns from other planets – ooh, afraid I’ve rather lost count!"

Episode #4:       Warriors of Kudlak.
Companions:     Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith, Maria Jackson, Clyde Langer and Mr Smith.
Air Date:            15th to 22nd October 2007.

Children have gone missing, but how? Will Luke and Clyde win Combat 3000? And who is the mysterious Mr. Kudlak?

Not an original story but entertaining all the same. While trying to teach Luke the hows and whys of being human, they decide to play a game of laser tag at a nearby venue called Combat 3000. This laser tag outfit is a cover for an alien general, Kudlak, who is looking for worthy would-be soldiers to fight in his people's war against someone called Malakh. Children with the right skills are abducted, crated and sent off to fight in the war. Unfortunately the war ended ten years ago and his battle computer fearing having nothing to do in peace time doesn't bother informing him. Kudlak turns out to be not such a bad individual after all and vows to find the children and return them home.

The story focuses more on Luke and Clyde than Sarah Jane. It is nice to see the companions getting their own story so soon into the show. Already Clyde is becoming more likeable than when he first appeared but the "learning humanity" elements of Luke's story are already a bit annoying.

The effects aren't bad and I especially like how well the production team managed to pull off a fully insectoid face and mask for Kudlak. Worthy of proper Doctor Who if you ask me. What I like most about this particular villain is that at the end of the day he isn't the villain. The human minion, Mr Grantham, on Earth is far worse in my opinion than the alien. Kudlak was doing what he thought he needed to but when the truth of the situation comes out he realises the error of things and sets out to correct them. Not something that you normally see in science fiction shows like this.

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